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The 2023 Sustainable Development Report

The 2023 Sustainable Development Report was recently published by the SDSN (UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network).  Used as a tool for measuring countries’ performance on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the report highlights the challenges we currently are facing in reaching these goals. In a nutshell, the main conclusion is we are running quite late.

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Efforts towards achieving the SDGs fell significantly short at the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda. Although some initiatives took flight between 2015 and 2019, the pandemic stalled progress within and between countries. This was more pronounced in certain countries, which unfortunately are the ones that need this progress the most.


Despite this concerning situation, achieving the SDGs is still attainable. However, this would require a reevaluation of investment patterns and a significant increase in overall investment volume. “The world is off track, but that is all the more reason to double down on the SDGs.”

While the full report has quite interesting data, here are a few snippets we think no one should miss:

“Based on the pace of progress since 2015, none of the goals is on track to be achieved globally by 2030.”  


“…achieving the SDGs rests on five pillars of good governance:

  1. Preparing long-term SDG pathways to guide public policy;
  2. Ensuring SDG financing at the necessary scale and timing;
  3. Promoting global cooperation and reducing geopolitical conflict and tension;
  4. Supporting innovation to broaden social inclusion and environmental sustainability;
  5. Regular reporting on SDG progress and performance.”


“The greatest responsibility for achieving the SDGs and safeguarding the planetary boundaries lies with the G20 members…[which] represent more than 80% of global GDP, around 70% of the world’s forests, more than 60% of the earth’s population, and more than 50% of its landmass… [they] account for 90% of global lignite and coal extraction and more than 60% of global oil and gas production” (pg.11).

By the way, Mexico happens to be part of the G20, and is visibly lagging on SDGs regarding hunger, health, economic growth, innovation, inequalities, biodiversity, and policy.

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I hope you found this interesting. As usual, if there is anything we can help you with, or if there is an ESG topic you would like to know more about, please let us know.



CEO, Miranda ESG

Contacts at Miranda Partners

Damian Fraser
Miranda Partners

Marimar Torreblanca

Recientemente se publicó el Informe de Desarrollo Sostenible 2023 de la SDSN (Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU). Usado como una herramienta para medir el acercamiento de los países a los ODSs (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible), el informe destaca los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos actualmente para alcanzar estos objetivos. En pocas palabras, la principal conclusión es que vamos bastante retrasados.