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It’s a wrap 2021! See you next year

As we did in 2020, we would like our last ESG weekly blog to spread some joy. 2021 was a complex year globally, with some very positive developments on many fronts, and some very difficult things happening all around us at the same time. For us as a business, it was a year of growth working on many exciting projects with amazing companies in Mexico, and we are so grateful to our clients for their trust in us. I am also personally very grateful to our team, for all their hard work and dedication. Miranda ESG could not be what it is without you.

So, to inspire some positive thinking for the last few days of 2021 and beyond, here are some of our favorite sustainability news of the year:

  1. An Increasing Number of Women Are Joining Corporate Boards
  2. Global sustainable shares post record gains in 2021
  3. BofA Sees Strong Growth in ESG Debt Next Year Despite ‘Pains’
  4. Get Ready for ESG Investing to Quadruple by End of Decade
  5. This Was the Year Investors and Businesses Put Big Bets on Climate
  6. Exchanges sign up to boost climate funding and disclosure
  7. Renewable energy has ‘another record year of growth’ says IEA
  8. Drones are helping to clean up the world’s plastic pollution
  9. COP26 pledge to end deforestation by 2030
  10. Over 100 countries sign pledge to cut methane emissions by 30%
  11. Bee population steady in Dutch cities thanks to pollinator strategy
  12. United Airlines just became the first airline in history to operate a passenger flight using 100% sustainable aviation fuel
  13. ‘The climate has won today’ – Shell ordered to cut CO2 emissions by 45% in landmark climate case
  14. WHO welcomes historic decision by Gavi to fund the first malaria vaccine


We wish you very happy holidays, and all the best for you and your loved ones in 2022!



Partner, Miranda ESG

P.S. Want to unsubscribe from our weekly blog emails for next year? Just let us know! (No hard feelings)

Contacts at Miranda Partners

Damian Fraser
Miranda Partners

Marimar Torreblanca