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ESG in the C-suite survey

This week I want to flag EY’s recently published paper “C-suite insights: Sustainability and ESG trends“. It is based on a survey of more than 500 executives from Fortune 1000 companies across industries with revenues of US$1.5 billion or more. Here are what we feel are the survey’s top 5 findings, but if you want to learn more, we highly recommend reading the whole thing (it is not that long):


  1. ESG is still very much in the sights of American executives and at the top of every agenda.”
  2. “As many as 82% of surveyed leaders confirm their organizations have both carbon emissions reductions initiatives in place and goals to reach net zero by a given year.”
  3. “Fifty-four percent of leaders now see environmental issues, and 52% view technology, as emerging sustainability and ESG risks.”
  4. “81% of survey respondents say they have a CSO or equivalent position within their leadership hierarchy…over a third of those CSOs have a direct line of reporting to the CEO…”
  5. “…nine out of 10 executives reporting board oversight of their organizations’ sustainability and ESG agendas…”


It is nice to see that despite the topic being so politicized in the US, corporations continue to adopt and strengthen their sustainability efforts (which is possibly due to investors keeping their eye on the ball). As can be seen, the adoption numbers are quite high overall. Naturally the surveyed executives come from relatively big companies, but this possibly flows to smaller companies too.


In Mexico we continue to see increased interest from companies on getting their sustainability strategies right. And we would expect that as long as the funding side of the equation is still concerned with ESG topics (both investors and lenders), this will continue to be the case.


I hope you found this interesting. As usual, if there is anything we can help you with, or if there is an ESG topic you would like to know more about, please let us know.




CEO, Miranda ESG


P.S. This past week the Mexican tax authorities published an extremely detailed taxonomy for sustainable finance in Mexico. It remains to be seen how this taxonomy will be integrated in to the system, but if you want to take a peek to see what is being done locally, you can find it here. Our view is that it is positive to see that there is at least some interest to boost sustainable finance in the country, but that without more surrounding efforts to promote it the taxonomy will be hard to integrate since it is highly technical and quite widespread (which makes sense, but that is why accompanying efforts are required).

Contacts at Miranda Partners

Damian Fraser
Miranda Partners

Marimar Torreblanca

Esta semana quiero destacar el documento recientemente publicado por EY “C-suite insights: Sustainability and ESG trends“. Se basa en una encuesta realizada a más de 500 ejecutivos de empresas incluidas en la lista Fortune 1000 de todos los sectores con ingresos iguales o superiores a US$1.5 mil millones de dólares. Aquí compartimos lo que, en nuestra opinión, son los cinco principales hallazgos de la encuesta. Si quieres saber más, te recomendamos ampliamente que leas el reporte completo (no es muy largo).


  1. ESG is still very much in the sights of American executives and at the top of every agenda.”
  1. “As many as 82% of surveyed leaders confirm their organizations have both carbon emissions reductions initiatives in place and goals to reach net zero by a given year.”
  1. “Fifty-four percent of leaders now see environmental issues, and 52% view technology, as emerging sustainability and ESG risks.”
  1. “81% of survey respondents say they have a CSO or equivalent position within their leadership hierarchy…over a third of those CSOs have a direct line of reporting to the CEO…”
  1. “…nine out of 10 executives reporting board oversight of their organizations’ sustainability and ESG agendas…”


Es positivo ver que, a pesar de que el tema está cada vez más politizado en Estados Unidos, las empresas siguen adoptando y reforzando sus iniciativas de sostenibilidad (lo que posiblemente se deba a que los inversionistas no pierden de vista el tema). Como puede verse, en general las cifras de adopción son bastante altas. Naturalmente, los directivos encuestados pertenecen a empresas relativamente grandes, pero es posible que esto se extienda también a empresas más pequeñas.


En México seguimos viendo mucho interés de las empresas por diseñar correctamente sus estrategias de sostenibilidad. Y es de esperar, que mientras los responsables del fondeo se sigan interesando en temas ESG (tanto inversionistas como acreedores), este seguirá siendo el caso.


Espero que esto te haya resultado interesante. Como siempre, si hay algo en lo que podamos ayudarte, o si hay un tema ESG sobre el que te gustaría saber más, por favor, háznoslo saber.




CEO, Miranda ESG


P.D. La semana pasada, las SCHP publicó una taxonomía muy detallada sobre el financiamiento sostenible en México. Falta ver cómo se integrará esta taxonomía en el sistema, pero si quieres echar un vistazo para ver lo que se está haciendo a nivel local, puedes encontrarlo aquí. Nuestra opinión es que es positivo ver que al menos hay cierto interés por impulsar el financiamiento sostenible en el país. Sin embargo, sin esfuerzos más amplios para promoverla, la taxonomía será difícil de integrar ya que es altamente técnica y bastante general (lo cual tiene sentido, pero por eso la necesidad de esfuerzos posteriores).

Contactos en Miranda Partners

Damian Fraser
Miranda Partners

Marimar Torreblanca