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ESG Development in Consumer Staples and Healthcare update

This week, we return to our ESG Development Heatmaps updates, focusing this time on two sectors: Mexican Consumer Staples & Healthcare. As we have done previously, we have focused only on (1) companies listed on the Mexican stock exchanges and (2) the materials publicly disclosed by those companies.

Consumer Staples


Source: Publicly available company materials.

What can we see in this heatmaps?

Progress in the two sectors was relatively slow.

  • Two Consumer Staples companies updated their materiality analyses in 2021 (Walmex and Kimberly Clark), and La Comer published its own for the first time, and La Comer and Chedraui published their own for the first time.
  • In Healthcare, Genomma Lab publicly disclosed KPIs for all its material topics. It does not have goals established for all those KPIs yet.
  • La Comer mapped its contribution to the SDGs for the first time.
  • Soriana became a signatory of the UN Global Compact.
  • Kimberly Clark and Genomma Lab joined Walmex in aligning to TCFD’s standards.
  • Three companies started reporting SASB indicators (Kimberly Clark, Walmex, and Genomma Lab).

In Consumer Staples, while ESG Communication efforts continue to be above average, there were no significant changes from last year. There were some improvements in terms of ESG Strategy development, mostly coming from La Comer starting to form its ESG strategy more formally. There is still room for improvement as 50% of the companies don’t even have materiality analyses yet.

In Healthcare, there continues to be a clear difference between Genomma Lab and the other two smaller (illiquid) companies. Genomma Lab did have some progress over the year, but the sector overall continues to be relatively immature in ESG matters.

I hope you found this interesting. As usual, if there is anything we can help you with, or if there is an ESG topic you would like to know more about, please let us know.



CEO, Miranda ESG

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Miranda Partners

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